Turkey’s First Mafia Game: Alparslan

Turkeys First Mafia Game Alparslan

Ankara was modeled throughout for Turkey’s First Mafia Game: Alparslan, prepared by the local game company Storm Rise Studio.

According to the information we received from producer Storm Rise Studio, Turkey’s first mafia game Alparslan takes place in Ankara in 2023. In the story, it is told that the character of Alparslan comes from the dirtiest places of the underworld and becomes the most respected bully in Ankara. A video has also been released for Aplarslan, which will be designed in Third Person Shooter mode and come with single player support. You can watch it below.

Alparslan Will Be Turkey’s First Mafia Game

In line with the information provided by the company, they were working to give an optimized result with the most realistic visuals possible. They worked to reflect to the player the places and objects that you can see in today’s Ankara on the game map. Building structures, streets, shops, even NPCs are designed in accordance with the Ankara theme. In Alparslan, which is designed as an open world game, main and side stories can be completed without a loading screen. In addition to the main story, side story missions are also important in the game. The prestige gained in these tasks will lead to us receiving help in the future.

While going on missions in the game, you will be able to see NPCs shouting “scrap dealer” or “10 kilos of tomatoes and onions are 50 liras” on the streets. Again, in order to reflect the atmosphere better, you will also be able to encounter 3-4 young people sitting in a corner of Tofaş Şahin and listening to Ankara Havaları.

Producer Fatih Dörttepe makes the following statement about Alparslan: “It is a project that we have adopted, both in terms of its story and environmental design. We believe that it will be a game that will make players wonder if this type of game could be produced in Turkey.”

A release date has not yet been determined for Alparslan, which is currently in the early stages.
