Turkey vote in the European Parliament! Notable details in the 2021 report

Turkey vote in the European Parliament Notable details in the

The agenda of the European Parliament (EP) is Turkey! The Parliament voted on the 2021 Turkey Report. The 2021 Turkey Report, prepared by the EP’s Turkey rapporteur Nacho Sanchez Amor, was accepted with 448 votes against 67 in the voting held at the EP General Assembly. 107 deputies abstained from voting. In the report, it was stated that the parliament did not foresee the continuation of Turkey’s accession negotiations, defending the view that there is a distance between Turkey and the EU in terms of values ​​and standards, that the EU’s concerns about the rule of law and fundamental rights affect Turkey’s accession process.

In the report, which noted that “in general, there has been a slight improvement in EU-Turkey relations in the last year and especially in the last months,” the EP expresses the hope of overcoming the existing difficulties and replacing them with a more sustainable, real positive dynamic. it was said.

Expressing satisfaction with the high-level dialogue meetings between the EU and Turkey on climate change, migration and security, and public health in 2021, the report reminded that Turkey has updated its national action plan for the 2021-2023 period and is getting closer to the EU acquis in various fields.


In the report, it was stated that Turkey is a strategically important country, a key partner for stability in its vast region, and a vital ally for EU countries within NATO.

In the report, it was noted that the EU wants to continue to improve its relations with Turkey on the basis of dialogue, respect and mutual trust, and it was stated that in this context, the statements of the Turkish authorities expressing their commitment to EU membership were welcomed, and the rhetoric was expected to be put into action.

In the EP’s report, the EU Council was called to re-establish the suspended high-level political dialogue and high-level sectoral dialogue in the fields of economy, energy, transport, as well as the re-construction of the EU-Turkey Association Council depending on the situation regarding fundamental freedoms and the rule of law.

The report stated that they were concerned about the state of the Turkish economy and that some of the difficulties could be alleviated thanks to stronger and closer relations with the EU.


In the report, in which the criticisms against Turkey were listed under the title of “rule of law and fundamental rights”, it was evaluated that these issues cannot be separated from relations with the EU and that Turkey should implement the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

MEP deputies also argued that some measures are being implemented in Turkey that prevent freedom of expression and demonstration and journalists, and noted that they are concerned about these.

It was stated that Turkey’s 4th and 5th judicial packages include steps in the right direction, but they will not address the main concerns, and the EU’s concerns continue in areas such as the rule of law, judicial independence and impartiality.


In the report, it was stated that the number of cases brought to the Constitutional Court regarding violations of rights increased, and that there was a concern about this, and that there was pressure on the opposition parties, which caused concern.

In the report, which reminded that the election law was amended, it was claimed that the election threshold, which was reduced to 7 percent, is still high, and the procedure for determining the provincial election boards is alarming.

Emphasizing that Turkey has legitimate security concerns, has the right to fight terrorism, and condemns PKK and DAESH terrorism, the report asked Turkey to develop closer cooperation with the EU in the fight against terrorism, money laundering and financing of terrorism.


Under the title of “EU-Turkey relations and Turkish foreign policy”, Turkey’s support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence was appreciated.

It was noted that there are many common interests with Turkey, which is referred to as a NATO ally and “partner country with the EU”, that Turkey’s Montreux Convention is appreciated, and its assistance to Ukraine is pleasing.

In the report, which expressed that the Turkish government’s efforts to mediate between Russia and Ukraine were pleasing, Turkey was invited to participate in the sanctions against Russia.

Expressions of appreciation for Turkey’s hosting of the largest number of refugees in the world were repeated in the report and the continuation of EU funds for refugees was welcomed. It was also stated that it is important for both the EU and Turkey to comply with the 2016 Turkey-EU Joint Statement and Readmission Agreement.

In the report, in which the migration burden on Turkey was acknowledged, it was stated that the return of asylum seekers should still be voluntary, and that there was concern about anti-refugee rhetoric.


In the report, which stated that support will be given to the abolition of visas for Turkish citizens when the conditions are met, it was emphasized that the change made by the responsible EU Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi in the General Directorate for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations in the EU Commission was regrettable, and that it was a political mistake to shift Turkey to the Middle East and North Africa department. .



In the report, the view that Turkey-EU cooperation is of fundamental importance in foreign and security policy, said, “Strategic cooperation and improved communication with Turkey are required for the future security structures of the EU, especially in the neighboring regions, to be effective. believes that more EU-Turkey cooperation in foreign policy areas can be achieved.” it was said.


In the report, which asked Turkey to align its foreign policy with the EU as a candidate country for the EU, satisfaction with the rapprochement efforts between Turkey and Armenia was expressed. It was stated that despite the decrease in tension in the Eastern Mediterranean, this could be reversed, the positive dynamic could easily change, the Cyprus negotiations would start again and the Turkish side would abandon the two-state solution proposal.

It was noted in the EP’s report that Turkey’s military operations in Syria were condemned, and Turkey was called on to peacefully approach the settlement of disputes in Libya.

MEPs called for Turkey’s goodwill approach to the NATO membership of Sweden and Finland.


In the title of the report, “The path to be followed in Turkey-EU relations”, it is stated that “The European Parliament invites both sides to re-evaluate the current situation in relations with a comprehensive high-level dialogue in order to re-enter a renewed, balanced and mutual partnership based on the conditions of democracy, rule of law, fundamental rights and freedoms”. It encourages us to explore complementary pathways parallel to the accession process, such as the updated Association Agreement.”

In the report, which noted that the current state of relations tends to produce unsatisfactory results, a call was made to establish solid foundations for mutually beneficial cooperation and to establish trust.

In the report, which included the view that both the EU and Turkey should maintain the dialogue, both sides were asked to use a respectful language, to combat existing prejudices, and the EU Commission was asked to initiate a communication policy to increase EU awareness in the Turkish society.

