‘Turkey’ message from NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg! “We need to sit down and talk about your concerns”

Turkey message from NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg We need to

Stoltenberg spoke to reporters in the garden of the White House after meeting with US President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

Stating that they discussed with Biden both the ongoing war in Ukraine and the NATO Summit to be held in Madrid at the end of the month, Stoltenberg said, “Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted NATO to be less effective and invaded Ukraine. It led to more NATO strengthening on the flank.” used the phrases.

Recalling that Sweden and Finland have recently applied for membership within the scope of NATO’s further enlargement, Stoltenberg evaluated Turkey’s stance on this issue.


Emphasizing that Turkey is an “important NATO ally”, Stoltenberg said:

“When Turkey, a NATO ally, expresses some concerns, we should always sit down and find a common way within NATO. We are doing exactly that right now. We are in close contact with Ankara and the Turkish administration. We are talking with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. We are also talking with Sweden and Finland. We will soon bring together senior officials from Stockholm, Helsinki and Ankara.”

Pointing out that Turkey has important contributions to security and its geographical importance due to its neighborhood with countries such as Iraq and Syria, Stoltenberg said, “Turkey had a key role in the fight against DAESH. At the same time, it has a close and important relationship with Russia in the Black Sea. That’s why we need to sit down and talk with Turkey and find the right way.” made its assessment.

Stating that they discussed Turkey’s objection with Biden, as with all NATO members, Stoltenberg noted that the main interlocutors of this issue were Sweden and Finland.


Regarding the course of the war in Ukraine, Stoltenberg said, “Their wars are unpredictable in nature. Therefore, we must be prepared for a long war.” expressed his opinion.

Pointing out that Ukraine paid a heavy price in the war, Stoltenberg said, “We cannot decide which conditions Ukraine will accept or not.” said.

Noting that the defense support of NATO countries to Ukraine also made a big difference, Stoltenberg said, “NATO’s responsibility is to ensure Ukraine’s self-defense. At the same time, NATO’s responsibility is to prevent the escalation of tensions. Another war in which NATO will be involved. It would also be devastating, so we avoid it.” he said. (AA)
