Turkey contacted Sweden about the demonstration and invited the ambassador for an interview

Turkey contacted Sweden about the demonstration and invited the ambassador

Turkey has invited the Swedish ambassador for an interview due to the demonstration in Stockholm.

21:11•Updated 21:32

The Turkish administration has become angry with a group of Swedish Kurds and summoned the Swedish ambassador for an interview, the news agencies AFP and Reuters and the Swedish Broadcasting Company say SVT (you switch to another service).

The reason is the kidnapping of the demonstration, where the president of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan a similar doll was hung by its legs outside the Stockholm City Hall.

– History shows how it often happens to dictators. Erdoğan, take your chance and resign so you don’t end up hanging upside down in Taksim Square, the Kurdish group wrote on Twitter.

Turkey has canceled the visit of the Speaker of the Swedish Parliament.

Source: Reuters, AFP
