Turkcell, TV+ announced that it will start a new era in its service. “Super platform” TV+, which takes the first step towards becoming a world-class company, draws attention with its Pro service. Turkcell TV+ Pro, which came to light at the press conference, offers powerful hardware features and licensed Android TV based software. This is how the television, which does not have smart features, gets smarter.
inside the Pro TV+ app Thanks to this, users can easily access thousands of content and Premium television channels on all TVs with HDMI connection and at all points with internet access. With TV+ Pro, users can access all applications in the Google Play Store and download them to their devices. TV+ Pro will be available as a contracted-non-committal, add-on to invoice or credit card, purchase or rental model. Operator-independent existing mobile or fixed users will be able to supply TV+ Pro via Turkcell stores and the internet.

Explanation about Turkcell TV+ Pro
TV+ General Manager giving information about TV+ Pro Gulcin Buyer Gokcesaid that a new era has started in the platform market with enriched content and innovative technologies. Gökçe said, “Our goal is to differentiate TV+ with its development areas and transform it into a ‘platforms center’ where everything comes together. We have taken a big step on this path with the TV+ Pro product. We will present the contents of all digital platform applications to the audience through a single box. With this user-friendly ‘super platform’, we assume an inclusive and transformative role in the industry. TV+ is on its way to create its own category in the industry. While each platform focuses on its own world and customer, we bring together the most exclusive content of all platforms. We are creating a whole new world where the best quality content from the content providers or players in the industry can be easily accessed. We believe this step will transform the platform market. We don’t just look at the market from our own box, we plan studies that will develop all the players,” he said.