Turin-Lyon, Itinera contract for the excavation and construction of the base tunnel

Turin Lyon Itinera contract for the excavation and construction of the

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Itineramajor works company of the ASTM Groupwas awarded the international tender for the works of tunnel excavation and construction base of the railway line ad HS/HC of the Turin-Lyon line on the Italian side. The announcement was made by the heads of the Public Promoter “Tunnel Euralpin Lyon Turin” (TELT) during a public session.

Itinera will carry out the project as a leader with a 41% share of a joint venture together with partners Ghella (39% share) e Spies Batignolles (share of 20%).

This assignment, which has a worth 1.1 billion eurosis the latest relating to major civil works in the international section of the new railway line intended for goods and passengers between Italy and France with a total length of 65 km between the international stations of Saint Jean de Maurienne (France) and of Susa (Italy), where it connects to the existing line. The main work is represented by Mont Cenis Base Tunnelthe longest single-track double-tube railway tunnel ever built, 57.5 km long.

In particular, the contract awarded to the JV led by Itinera pertains to the construction of Turin-Lyon base tunnel in Italy, from Susa to the French border (operating sites CO03 and CO04), and includes the construction of about 10km of the base tunnel, divided into two rodsas well as descendants and gods bypass which lead to an overall length of the tunnels to be built equal to approx 30kmof which 18 km in mechanized excavation (TBM) and 12 km in traditional excavation. The overall excavation is equal to approx 6 million tons of materialwhile the overall production of concrete (cast on site, jet grouting and for prefabricated ashlars) is approximately 730,000 cubic meters.

During the execution of the contract, with a duration of 91 monthsa peak use of the workers of about 700 men/day.

After the start in 2021 of the works on the French sidethe assignment of the works also on the Italian side represents a crucial stage of this strategic infrastructure which constitutes one of the main components of the Mediterranean corridorone of the 9 aces of the trans-European transport network (TEN-T). This axis will connect south-western Europe with the countries of central and eastern Europe.

The Turin-Lyon railway line also has one significant sustainable and environmental value: when fully operational, with its entry into service from 2030, it is expected that more than 1 million IRRs are eliminated from Alpine roads, thus saving 3 million tons of CO2 every year.

Itinera It is currently also engaged in the excavation of lot 3 on the French side of the tunnelbetween the French side gateway at Saint Julienne Mont Denis and Saint Martin La Porte, as well as in large international transport projects, including the new “Storstrøm Bridge” in Denmark, a 3.8 m long rail and road bridge km which will represent the new connection axis between Copenhagen (Denmark) and Hamburg (Germany).
