Turbine shutdown at Oskarshamn 3 – Sweden news

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The Oskarshamn 3 reactor at the Oskarshamn nuclear power plant has been disconnected from the power grid due to a turbine shutdown.

– Troubleshooting is in progress, says the communications manager
Désirée Liljevall.

According to a so-called urgent market message from the Nordpool electricity exchange, the stop occurred at 10.43am. It is unclear whether the stop involves any risks.

– It’s not good with outages, but if it doesn’t last long, it will probably have marginal effects on the electricity price. It’s still mild outside, but if the stop turns out to be a long one, it could get worse. It will primarily affect prices in electricity area 3, says Christian Kopfer, commodity analyst at Handelsbanken.

The text is updated
