Tumult at the Södertörn district court when the murder trial started

The trial after the triple murder and the seven attempted murders last autumn started today.
Then a commotion broke out in the district court.
The 17-year-old taunted relatives in the courtroom and the plaintiff broke furniture outside the courtroom, says TV4 Nyheternas reporter Therése Cedergren on the spot.

A teenage trio and a man were put on trial on Monday in Södertörn district court after the brutal and reckless shootings in Västberga and Tullinge last October.

One of the suspects, the 17-year-old who is charged with having been the shooter in both crimes, is said to have provoked the relatives of the murder victims.

– It is the case that one of the defendants behaves in a way that should not be done in the courtroom, taunts and behaves in a way that can also be threatening. We will draw the district court’s attention to it, says lawyer Thomas Bodström, who represents the plaintiff.

Famous artist broke furniture: “Strong feelings”

Chaos is said to have broken out and one of the plaintiffs, a well-known artist who has a relationship with the shot dead women in Tullinge, is said to have broken furniture outside the courtroom. The police were forced to intervene and wrestle the person down.

– It is already very, very difficult to be a relative in such a terrible event. To then also be violated during the trial, it is difficult to describe how you feel then.

– It would be strange if there were not strong feelings when such terrible things have happened.

The Södertörn district court has reported the incident to the police as vandalism.
