Trump’s words after Biden’s resignation: “The scoundrel Joe Biden”

Joe Biden announced that he is dropping out of the presidential race in an open letter on X and Donald Trump was not slow to react.

“The scoundrel Joe Biden was not fit to run for president,” Trump writes on the Truth Social platform.

Trump on Biden’s career: “Lies and fake news”

Trump also comments on Biden’s career and his path to the presidency.

“He only achieved the presidency through lies, fake news, and not leaving his basement. Everyone around him, including his doctor and the media, knew he was not fit to be president.”

He also criticizes the policies that Biden has pursued.

“And now look at what he has done to our country, with millions of people coming across our border, completely unchecked and unguarded, many from prisons, mental institutions and record numbers of terrorists.”

He continues:

“We will suffer a lot because of his presidency, but we will undo the damage he has caused very quickly. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”
