Trump’s tear-jerker tonight: Cavalcade of lies – hailed congressional stormtroopers

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A choir sang the ex-president’s song “Justice for all” – while a large screen showed images from the storming of the Capitol. That’s how Donald Trump’s first campaign rally of the year began in Waco, Texas, last night. In addition, he repeated several of his most famous lies, according to CNN. Donald Trump is planning a comeback in the White House. Last night he held his first meeting before the 2024 presidential election, after a few turbulent days where he claimed, among other things, that he would soon be arrested. It was all about an indictment in which prosecutors say Trump used campaign money to silence porn star Stormy Daniels, with whom Trump had a relationship. – They investigated me for something that is not a crime, not a misdemeanor and not an affair. I never liked “horse face”, he said last night. The repeated lies The ex-president also allegedly repeated several of his most famous lies during the election meeting, including that he won the election in 2020. – We won in 2016 but we won by much more in 2020. Everything was rigged, he said. In addition, he claimed that he kept his promise to build a wall on the Mexican border, which is also not true. Trump continued his cavalcade of lies with a claim he made over 100 times as president – ​​that the US had a trade deficit with China of over $500 billion. – China was cheating us of 600 billion dollars, he added last night. According to CNN, the trade deficit has been around $400 billion a year since 2015. Watch an excerpt from Trump’s campaign meeting in the player above.
