Trump’s race for the White House is getting complicated: here’s why

Trumps race for the White House is getting complicated heres

(Finance) – Donald Trump’s race for the White House is becoming more complicated: the Secretary of State of Maine, Shenna Bellows, the top electoral official of the American state, removed the former president from the ballot for the 2024 Republican primaries. The same decision had been made in recent hours in Colorado by the local Supreme Court.

At the base once again, the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, which states that no citizen may assume government office “if he has been engaged in an insurrection or rebellion against the United States or has given aid or support to those who engaged in it.” Among other things, the same amendment has also been invoked in other states but without success.

Meanwhile, according to CNN, the Colorado Republican Party announced that it has asked the US Supreme Court to overturn the unprecedented ruling by the highest state court that excluded Donald Trump from the 2024 primaries. This means that Trump currently remains in the pending primaries of the outcome of the appeals.

California Secretary of State Shirley Weber instead rejected the request to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 primaries. The decision, therefore, it does not follow that of Maine and Colorado which, in fact, disqualified the former president from the primaries.

Tycoon who has returned to thunder against his opponents in recent hours. “None of the world leaders, good or bad, are as evil and sick as the crooks we have in our country who, with their open borders, inflation, surrender in Afghanistan, the new green scam, high taxes, no independence energy, military crisis, Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, are trying to destroy our once great United States. May they rot in hell!”, wrote the tycoon clearly referring to the administration’s policies Biden and the president himself.
