Trump’s “election army” is knocking on the door – wants to make more people question the mid-term elections

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Since the 2020 election, doubts about whether the election was fair have led to 19 states changing their election laws – those that, among other things, regulate whether you can vote early, or where you can vote.

Georgia is one of those states and there Jarrett Briscoe formed the association Gwinnett County Young Republicans.

– I saw things during the election that were strange, I felt that I had to do something, he says when SVT sympathizes with him and knocks on the door before the election.

“Must be able to get along”

He himself says that he has moved on and he sees Biden as president. But he is worried about the future in the United States if the division and distrust of the accuracy of the election persists.

– We must be able to come to an agreement across party lines. Otherwise, we don’t know how things will go for our country, he says.

SVT’s Fouad Youcefi and Linda Hörnqvist traveled to the key state of Georgia to meet voters, election observers and candidates in Trump’s electoral army who want to challenge the American election laws.

Watch the documentary Trump’s election army on SVT Play.
