Trump’s assassination attempt continued bloody history – these presidents and candidates were also targeted | Foreign countries

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Republican candidate running for president Donald Trump was hit by a bullet at a campaign event in Pennsylvania on Saturday night. The bullet pierced the top of his ear.

One person from the audience died and two were seriously injured. The Secret Service killed the suspected shooter of Thomas Matthew Crook.

The shooting incident is being investigated as an attempted murder.

In the history of the United States, there have been several assassination attempts and assassinations against the president or presidential candidate.

We collected cases until 1865.

2011: Barack Obama

The Idaho man was originally accused by the Democratic president Barack Obama’s for an attempted assassination in 2011 when he fired shots at the White House. However, neither the president nor his spouse were at home at the time of the incident.

Idaho man Oscar Ortega-Hernandez received a 25-year prison sentence for the shooting. However, prosecutors dropped the murder charges as part of a plea deal in which the defendant pleaded guilty to damaging a residence and endangering lives, as well as using a firearm in a crime of violence.

1996: Bill Clinton

President Bill Clinton and his spouse Hillary Clinton were just about to land in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, on November 23, 1996, when a unit of the United States Secret Service became aware that an explosive device had been planted in the route of the motorcade.

Agents rerouted to the Clintons’ hotel, thwarting the suspect’s attempted murder. The terrorist organization al-Qaeda was suspected of the act.

1981: Ronald Reagan

Republican president Ronald Reagan gave a speech shortly after his inauguration in Washington outside the Hilton Hotel. After the speech, he was shot and seriously wounded. Reagan spent several days in the hospital, but eventually recovered and went on to serve as president for the next eight years.

Reagan’s shooter, John Hinckleyspent decades in a mental institution until he was released in 2022.

1975: Gerald Ford

President to Gerald Ford was targeted by two assassination attempts within a short period of time in 1975.

First Lynette Fromme failed to shoot Ford in Sacramento, California, and just a few weeks later Sarah Moore failed in his own assassination attempt in San Francisco. A bystander had grabbed Moore by the arm, and the shot had missed.

The President was not injured in either incident.

1972: George Wallace

Governor of Alabama George Wallace was running for president for the third time when he was shot outside Washington in 1972. The shooting left him paralyzed from the waist down.

1968: Robert F. Kennedy

President John F. Kennedy brother Robert F. Kennedy was running for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1968 when he was shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California.

His killer Sirhan Sirhan is still incarcerated in California.

1963: John F. Kennedy

Perhaps one of the most famous presidential assassinations occurred in 1963, when President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in the middle of a parade in his convertible in Dallas, Texas.

The sniper who shot the president Lee Harvey Oswald died a couple of days later when he was murdered by a Dallas nightclub owner.

1933: Franklin D. Roosevelt

Just elected president Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted assassination in Miami in 1933. Shooter, Guiseppe Zangaramissed Roosevelt but killed the mayor of Chicago Anton Cermak too.

Zangara was eventually executed in the electric chair.

1912: Theodore Roosevelt

A similar course of events happened with Trump in 1912. Former president Theodore Roosevelt tried to regain his old post during the 1912 campaign. He was shot on his way to a speaking engagement in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

He gave a speech despite the shooting and was taken to hospital afterwards.

Roosevelt later said that the folded paper envelope of his 50-page speech slowed the bullet that remained in his chest for the rest of his life.

However, Roosevelt ultimately lost his presidential campaign.

1901: William McKinley

After William McKinley was re-elected president, he went to meet the citizens at an exhibition in Buffalo. Anarchist Leon Czolgosz fired two shots at McKinley at close range. McKinley died at the hospital from gunshot wounds

Czolgosz was later executed in the electric chair.

As a result of the assassination, Vice President Theodore Roosevelt became the youngest president of the United States at the age of 42.

1881: James Garfield

Republican president James Garfield was shot at a Washington train station in July 1881. He died of his injuries months later in September.

Shot by Garfield Charles Guiteau was convicted and hanged about a year later.

1865: Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the first president of the United States to be assassinated. He was shot in the back of the head in 1865 in a theater in Washington DC.

The shooter was an actor John Wilkes Booth, who fled the scene. When Booth was caught weeks later in Virginia, he was shot.

Sources: CNN, Reuters, The New York Times
