Trump: Taiwan should pay for US military aid | News in brief

Donald Trump, who is running for the presidency in the United States, questioned the US military aid to Taiwan in an interview with Bloomberg. Taiwan is threatened by China, which considers it its own province.

11:12•Updated 11:13

Aspiring President of the United States Donald Trump says Taiwan should pay the US for its defense against China. Trump commented on the matter in an interview with the news agency Bloomberg.

The former president was asked if he would defend Taiwan.

– I know these people very well, I respect them enormously. They took about 100 percent of our microchip business. I think Taiwan should pay for our defense, Trump says.

– We do not deviate from the insurance company. Taiwan gives us nothing.

China considers Taiwan its own province, while Taiwan considers itself an independent state. The US has not recognized Taiwan as a state, but it is arming Taiwan with billions of dollars.

Taiwan, on the other hand, is a major player in the semiconductor industry. It produces most of the advanced microchips on which the world economy depends.

Here, too, there are US dollars in the background.

In 2022, the United States approved an investment program to attract companies to finance microchip factories on American soil. The most prominent Taiwanese company in the field, TSMC, has been one of the most significant beneficiaries of the program. It is building two plants in the United States and announced a third plant in April. The value of the investments is approximately USD 65 billion.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Trump complained that the United States is giving Taiwan “billions of dollars to build new microchips in our country” and that “they’re going to take that away, too.”

Source: AFP
