Trump stops protection for former infectious protection officer Anthony Fauci

The White House’s former special advisor Anthony Fauci is the latest in line of persons who have had their personal protection recalled by US President Donald Trump.

Earlier this week, he recalled the protection of US Foreign Minister Mike Pompeo, the special security counselor John Bolton and the country’s former special Iran -Sender Brian Hook. All three worked with Donald Trump during his last presidential period.

Has been threatened with murder

Anthony Fauci – who, for preventive purposes, was pardoned by US former President Joe Biden on Sunday – has been threatened several times. The threats have been linked to the handling of the Coronapandemia and the requirements introduced in the United States as a response to it.

During his time as a Health Protection Manager, he opposed on several occasions play from Donald Trump about how the pandemic would be handled, which caused the president to direct strong criticism of Fauci.

In connection with the announcement that Fauci is now getting his security arrangement removed, Donald Trump, who called the decision “a standard procedure”, was asked if he has any responsibility if the persons should be revoked somewhat.

– Fauci has made a lot of money just like the others and they can pay for their own protection. I would not take responsibility for that, Donald Trump replied according to Reuters.
