Trump says he never called for Hillary Clinton to be jailed – videos prove otherwise | Foreign countries

Trump says he never called for Hillary Clinton to be

During Trump’s 2016 campaign, the crowd chanted “Lock her up” constantly.

Running a presidential election campaign in the United States Donald Trump was yesterday Sunday in an interview with the Fox News television channel.

The interviewer brought up the 2016 campaign, where Trump’s opponent was a Democrat, and former President Bill Clinton’s wife Hillary Clinton.

During the campaign, Trump often said that he would arrest Hillary Clinton if he became president. Trump’s audience shouted the slogan “Lock her up” at many campaign events. The interviewer asked why Trump had not arrested Clinton.

Trump claimed that he himself has never used the phrase “lock her up”.

– I beat him. It’s easier when you’ve won. They [kannattajat] were always yelling “lock her up”, and I – I could have done it, but I thought it would have been a terrible thing. And now this [Trumpin tuomio] happened I may now think differently about it, Trump said on the broadcast.

– I didn’t say “lock her up”, but people shouted “lock her up”, Trump assured.

Video evidence

Trump’s statements immediately began to be checked in the video archives. He has not been seen to agree with the slogan, but the archives reveal that he called for Clinton’s imprisonment on several occasions.

For example in San Jose, CaliforniaTrump assured the same on June 2, 2016.

– I’m telling you: Hillary Clinton needs to go to jail.

The cry “Lock her up” was an integral part of his election campaign. Trump used to pause his speech during the screams of his supporters and then state that they are right.

Clinton’s imprisonment played an important role in his campaign anyway, because many Trump supporters hated Clinton.

Now Trump himself is threatened with a prison sentence. He has been convicted of being a porn star to Stormy Daniels for hiding the paid money in the business accounting, so that the scandal would not have come out during the elections.

Trump can receive a maximum of four years in prison. However, the most likely punishment is a suspended sentence and a fine. Besides, Trump will almost certainly appeal the verdict.

Source: AFP
