Trump says he is sure of winning… for the “third time”

Trump says he is sure of winning for the third

Iowa is where the Republican primary, and therefore the campaign for the American presidential election, will officially begin on January 15, but Donald Trump decided to go there in advance, and organized two meetings there. back to back this weekend. Yesterday, three years to the day after the assault on the Capitol, the former president assured that he would win again, for “ the third time “. Because Donald Trump never conceded his defeat in 2020. He violently attacked Joe Biden, the “ worse » president according to him.

2 mins

With our correspondent in the United States, Carrie Nooten

With his two meetings in quick succession, Donald Trump redeployed his favorite method: occupy the field first, and place himself in pole position. He presented himself as the winner, making more concrete the polls which have shown him the winner for months. And then, during a disjointed two-hour speech, he – pell-mell – minimized the siege of the Capitol, described the January 6 insurgents placed behind bars, “ hostages » of the American government, criticized the press which presents him as a dictator. And above all, he made a full-blown attack on Joe Biden, whom he nicknamed “ Joe the crook “.

Pathetic fear campaign »

Biden’s recordhe said, is an unbroken streak of weakness, incompetence, corruption and failure, apart from the fact he’s doing pretty well (laughs). This is why Joe the crook staged this pathetic fear campaign. »

Donald Trump also accuses his opponent of taking the country towards a “ third world war ”, and to lead a campaign “ alarmist » against him, on the danger he would represent for democracy. Finally, he had a word for anti-American protectionism, recounting how he had twisted the arm of Emmanuel Macron by threatening to increase taxes on the import of French wine and champagne. A warning that must worry many European leaders.

Read alsoCapitol assault: three years later, three suspects arrested in Florida
