Trump refused to answer questions from the New York state attorney general

Trump refused to answer questions from the New York state

Trump was heard in New York in connection with the state prosecutor’s investigation into whether a company owned by the Trump family had inflated real estate values ​​and, on the other hand, avoided taxes.

Former President of the United States Donald Trump was heard on Wednesday in a lawsuit related to the Trump company’s business affairs.

Trump said he refused to answer questions from the New York prosecutor.

– I refused to answer citing my constitutional rights as an American citizen, said Trump in his statement.

According to him, he was then asked why he is doing that if he is innocent. Trump said he has no choice because there is a “witch hunt” against him, his family, his company and everyone around him, supported by lawyers, journalists and the fake news media.

by the New York State Attorney of Letitia James the investigation will determine whether the company owned by the Trump family had inflated the values ​​of the properties and assessed them as less valuable to the tax authorities in order to avoid taxes.

Trump’s two adult children will also be heard in the case Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump.

The US federal police, the FBI, raided Trump’s Florida home at Mar-a-Lago earlier this week in connection with documents possibly taken from the White House.

“The current administration and many prosecutors in this country have lost all moral and ethical boundaries of decency,” Trump said after the raid.

The White House announced on Tuesday that the President of the United States For Joe Biden not announced in advance by the former president Donald Trump About the raid on the Florida home.

The White House emphasized in its statement that the Department of Justice will conduct the investigations independently.

This summer, the US Congress has also investigated Trump’s role in the congressional riot. Trump’s supporters invaded Congress when the result of the presidential election, i.e. Biden’s victory, was being confirmed on January 6, 2021.
