Trump happy after Biden’s misses

Trump happy after Bidens misses



full screen Donald Trump at a rally in Virginia the day after the televised debate with President Joe Biden. Photo: Steve Helber/AP/TT

Ex-president Donald Trump does not hide his schadenfreude at President Joe Biden’s weak, according to several assessors disastrous, performance in the television debate the other day.

“Grossly incompetent” and “a train wreck”, are some of Trump’s assessments of Biden.

“What every voter should be asking is not whether Joe Biden can handle a 90-minute debate, but whether America can survive four more years with sleazy Joe Biden in the White House,” Trump said during a campaign rally in Chesapeake, Virginia.

According to Politico, Trump described the November election as a choice between “strength and weakness, competence and incompetence.” Trump continues to falsely claim that the 2020 presidential election, in which Biden defeated him, was rigged for Biden to win.

Trump is cheering a Supreme Court ruling that could make it more difficult to convict a number of those charged with trying to obstruct the 2020 presidential election by storming Congress on Jan. 6, 2021. He called those convicted and indicted for “January 6 hostage”.

– They should release them now for what they have endured, Trump said, adding that the ruling was a very good decision for people who, according to Trump, have been terribly mistreated.

Trump said he does not believe Biden will step aside as the Democratic nominee, despite harsh criticism of his faltering, sometimes incoherent and age-marked debate performance.
