Trump and Pence give rival speeches

Trump and Pence give rival speeches

Published: Just now

full screen Mike Pence addresses conservative students in Washington. Photo: Patrick Semansky/AP/TT

Former President Donald Trump and his former Vice President Mike Pence are taking up the battle for the Republican voter base in the United States. Just hours after Mike Pence spoke, Trump is expected to take the podium.

Trump’s appearance in Washington on Tuesday night is his first in the city since January 20, 2021, when Joe Biden was sworn in as president.

Among those who are determined to take up the fight to run for the White House is Mike Pence, who only hours before gave a speech to a group of conservative students, not far from the place where his former boss is to appear.

Pence laid out the guidelines for his conservative “Freedom Agenda”, focusing on the future according to himself.

– Some choose to focus on the past. But elections are about the future, Pence said.

Trump still often laments the election in which he falsely believes victory was taken from him. But in tonight’s speech at the conservative think tank America First Policy Institute, he will focus on security, according to spokesperson Taylor Budowich.

– President Trump sees a nation in decline, with rising crime and communities with increasing insecurity under the policies of the Democrats, says Budowich.
