Trump ally Steve Bannon surrenders in federal prison | News in brief

Trump ally Steve Bannon surrenders in federal prison News

Bannon was sentenced to prison for contempt of Congress when he refused to testify about the events of the takeover of the Capitol.

19:32•Updated 19:33

of the former President of the United States Donald Trump’s a longtime ally Steve Bannon has surrendered at a federal prison and has begun serving a four-month sentence.

Bannon was sentenced to prison for insulting Congress. He refused to cooperate with the authorities and to testify in the investigation of the takeover of the Congress building. Bannon twice refused to testify in the investigation.

Last week, the US Supreme Court rejected a request by Trump’s former adviser to delay his prison sentence.

Trump’s supporters attacked the Congress building in the epiphany of 2021.

Sources: AP, AFP
