“Truly useful Tesla Optimus robots are coming”

CEO Elon Musk, Tesla Optimum Today, they made some statements again about their humanoid robot models that they named found.

Elon Musk, responding to a post on X today, “Tesla will have truly useful Optimus robots in small-scale production for internal use next year, and in large-scale production for other companies in 2026.” said. In the description “really useful” Musk, who has not yet fully detailed this part, Also within the scope of Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, “I think in the future, people will start to see their personal Optimus robot as a kind of companion. You’ll be able to ask it to walk your dog, take care of your house, babysit the kids, cook meals, and play the piano.” Musk also stated that they did not want to design the robot like a human clone, but aimed to make it look good. During Tesla’s last quarter talks, Musk said, “I think Optimus will be worth more than everything else combined.” Tesla also made a statement last month, “We have two Optimus humanoid robots operating autonomously in the factory” made a splash with his statement. Later, Elon Musk’s post attracted attention.


Musk claimed that they will significantly increase the number of robots working in the factory next year.attaches great importance to the Optimus humanoid robot project and is also making plans for the robot to be sold commercially. The company has shared many videos for Tesla Optimus so far. For example, in the video you can watch below, we saw Optimus walking around the development area once again. The robot, which is still not very fast in terms of walking but gradually accelerates each time, does not have much trouble with balance unless the ground is rough.

A t-shirt folding video was previously shared for Optimus. The robot works slowly but precisely in this regard and produces a relatively good result. Most recently, we saw the robot sorting battery cells in the new video, which you can watch below. Optimus, who will one day replace many humans, will switch to a new hand with 22 degrees of motion (currently 11 degrees of motion) this year, according to Elon Musk.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk The previous video you can watch below the page shared by the robot is It revealed the final stage that the robot had reached, and this stage attracted a lot of attention. As shown in the video, his feet and Optimus, who can move his hands with precisionIt is built on hardware / motors specially designed by Tesla, now more powerful than before moves 30 percent fastercan move his neck in two axes, has lost 10 kg and now looks much more balanced. His new hands are much more mobile, fast and sensitive than before Optimus, can now perform precise pressure sensing across all fingers and This way, it can easily move fragile objects such as eggs.
