Triple terrorist attack in Mali

Triple terrorist attack in Mali

Mali and this triple terrorist attack which targeted military camps in the center of the country this Sunday morning, April 24. In Sévaré in the Mopti region, in Bapho and in Niono in the Ségou region. Three simultaneous attacks that killed six Malian soldiers.

It was five o’clock in the morning when the three camps were attacked by ” kamikaze vehicles packed with explosives “, according to the press release from the Malian army, which deplores a total of six dead, twenty wounded and significant material damage, including a damaged helicopter.

The FAMa reacted immediately, with the support of the Minusma which deployed a rapid reaction force.

The Malian army claims that eleven assailants are dead: the driver of a suicide vehicle, the others were killed during the response.

The camps of Sévaré, Bapho and Niono are located in the regions of Mopti and Ségou, in the centre, area of ​​action of the Katiba Macina from Jnimthe Support Group for Islam and Muslims, linked to Aqmi.

A Katiba Macina claim has also been put into circulation, the authentication of which is, according to security sources, still in progress, but which several experts consider very credible. In this message in the Bambara language, a spokesperson for Katiba Macina speaks directly to the Transitional President, Colonel Assimi Goïta, to announce, with strong elements of propaganda, that the war is truly beginning now.
