Tribute to Lokassa Ya Mbongo, Congolese guitarist who died on March 15, 2023

Every Friday, the show is devoted to two stages of music. The new releases sequence with Zeynab, Reddy Amis, Says’z and Espoir la tigress. And in the Gold sequence, Nat King Cole, Daft Punk, Meiway, Esy Kennenga , Nu Look, Ludo and Peggy Bajal. On this day, and in the company of the Congolese singer Nyboma, we also pay tribute to the Congolese guitarist Lokassa Ya Mbongo who died on Wednesday March 15 at the age of 77. In the Conscious Generation sequence, listeners speak through voice notes sent via Whatsapp to 00336. (Replay).

Lokassa Ya Mbongo

Find our playlist on Deezer :

Reddy Amisi- Visit card

Says’z – Wahala

Hope the tigress – Ma’biss

Zeynab Final

Lokassa Ya Mbongo – Marie-Jose

Lokassa Ya Mbongo – Monica

Lokassa Ya Mbongo – Angelic

Nat King Cole- Unforgettable

Daft Punk- around the world

Meiway-My madness

Esy Kennenga- Pope

Nude Look – big mistake

Ludo- Morale a li

Peggy Bajal- Your ex
