Triathlon: Tilda Månsson on the fact that swimming can be skipped in triathlon: “Not fun at all”

Today, the triathletes did not get to experience the conditions in the river that meanders through Paris.

– A course swim this morning was canceled because the water quality was so bad, but they think it will get better because the weather has gotten so much better, says Månsson to SVT Sport.

Olympics in Paris 2024

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  • Even if there were problems with the water quality, Månsson does not want to see it as an obstacle.

    – I am determined to swim in the Seine on Wednesday even if it is not fresh.

    “The last tian will be absolutely brutal”

    It may also happen that the initial swim over 1,500 meters is omitted and that it becomes a run-cycle-run (10 + 10 km run and 40 km cycle).

    – I think in that case they will postpone the competition, but if that were to happen, I wouldn’t have thought it would have been fun at all. Most people probably think it will be good if you are a strong runner but I wouldn’t like it because there will be so many legs, the last ten will be absolutely brutal and what is an Olympic medal in duathlon worth compared to an Olympic medal in triathlon? It will be something completely different, explains Månsson.

    Running star Tilda Månsson develops her thoughts on why she doesn’t like the setup with double runs and how she sees the talk about her being a medal candidate in the player above.
