trial of Philippe Manier, the pleadings of the civil parties

trial of Philippe Manier the pleadings of the civil parties

Last straight line in the trial of Philippe Manier. This former chief warrant officer of the Nyanza gendarmerie, in the prefecture of Butare in southern Rwanda, is being prosecuted before the Paris Assize Court for “genocide” and “crimes against humanity”, in particular for his alleged involvement in several massacres at the end of April 1994. Charges which he disputes.

With our special correspondent at the Paris Assize Court, Laura Martel

This Friday, June 23 was dedicated to the pleadings of the civil parties in the trial of Philippe Manier. The court notably heard Domitille Philippart on behalf of the Collective of Civil Parties for Rwanda (CPCR) founded by Dafroza and Alain Gauthier, who are at the origin of the complaint that led to this trial; Dafroza Gauthier, meanwhile, also represents 55 survivors and relatives of victims.

The commitment of a lifetime »

The CPCR is “ lifelong commitment for the Gauthiers. ” For years they scoured the hills of Rwanda looking for testimonies and evidence to back up their complaint. », Begins Me Philippart; “ a necessary job “, she underlines, since before 2012 and the creation of the crime against humanity pole, such a complaint was necessary for an investigation to be opened and that ” even today, the collective has this role of lighting the fuse “, she says.

And the lawyer to castigate the defense for having criticized this proactive approach, as for having wanted ” systematically discredit » victims and witnesses. ” I had spoken from the opening of the little music of the false witnesses, manipulated or avengers “. This ” defense strategy ” wants ” make the victims the persecutors “, we hear it” in all trials of the genocide still denounces Me Philippart.

He had the power of life or death »

For her, the debates showed that Philippe Manier – not only – participated in the massacres but as Chief Warrant Officer of the Gendarmerie, he “ prompted the population to the killings, often setting the example himself. ” His orders were obeyed », « he had the power of life or death “, she points. In the box, Philippe Manier remains impassive.

Never have we seen an accused so absent from his trial, unable to show his humanity. We had terrible testimonies, he didn’t raise an eyebrow », Asserts the lawyer. A “ scary attitude ” And ” a defense strategy she said, which sounded like a confession “.

Read alsoGenocide in Rwanda: ex-gendarme Philippe Manier claims his innocence during his trial
