Trial of November 13: “I know that if he is there, it is not for tourism”

Trial of November 13 I know that if he is

The trial of the attacks of November 13, 2015 continues before the Special Court of Assizes of Paris. The Court finished examining the period of preparations in the fall of 2015. This Tuesday, March 22, the accused Mohamed Abrini, the childhood friend of Salah Abdeslam, was invited to explain himself.

From our special envoy to the Special Court of Assizes of Paris,

I probably went to see Abaoud, since he was in Charleroi. » « Oh “replies the president. Moment of floating in the room. Mohamed Abrini does not realize it immediately, but he has just offered the Court one of the many missing pieces of the puzzle.

The question was about something quite different: a phone call to an owner and a visit to find one of the apartments that will serve as hideouts for the commandos who in August 2015 are arriving in Belgium from Syria . Mohamed Abrini categorically denies having participated in the research. But in trying to explain why his phone is terminal that day in Charleroi, he therefore recognizes for the first time having seen Abdelhamid Abaoud at that time.

A meeting at a time when Abaoud is off the radar

Abdelhamid Abaoud, a 25-year-old friend, back from Syria, coordinator of the November 13 attacks and future member of the commando of the Parisian terraces. Downside: the apartment where he says he met him at the end of August is only rented from September 3.

The date does not stick, but this meeting nevertheless interests the Court since the investigators never managed to know where the jihadist was at this time. Mohamed Abrini continues to affirm that he had nothing to do with the preparations for the attacks. But he can no longer deny that he was aware of what was going on in the summer of 2015.

►Also read: November 13 trial: “We were not born with a Kalashnikov”

If he’s there, it’s not for sightseeing »

Abaoud, he fought in Syria with my little brother. I know that if he is there, it is not for sightseeing and that he will go all the way “, he says from the box. Since September, the Court has been examining the facts in chronological order and is getting closer and closer to the fateful date of November 13, 2015.

Mohamed Abrini gives a glimpse of what awaits us: “ I can already tell you that I was scheduled for the 13th, but that, I will tell you about next week. » « I hope you don’t change your mind “, replies the president, while several of the accused now make use of their right to silence.

►Also read: At the November 13 trial, Mohamed Bakkali makes use of his right to silence
