Trial after the summer’s moped accident in Härnösand – The dead woman’s family sent greetings

The accident occurred at the height of Fröland just south of Härnösand one night at the end of July. In court, among others, the moped driver was heard, but he does not remember large parts of the sequence of events.

Neither deny nor admit

The 18-year-old says that he was at a festival with his family in the evening and drank beer. Then he remembers that he was sitting on the bed in the summer cottage, and the next memory is that he is being treated in hospital. There he receives the news from his parents that a woman died in the accident.

He admits gross drunk driving and illegal driving, but neither denies nor admits to causing the death of another and gross negligence in traffic, as he has no memory of the incident.

“The parents hold no grudge”

The dead woman’s family did not attend the hearing. But via the plaintiff’s attorney, they sent a greeting in court that they are not angry with the moped driver.

– The parents hold no grudge against the driver, that may be important to point out, says the prosecutor’s assistant Magnus Näsholm.
