(Finance) – Yes it is today ended the period for the exercise of the option rights relating to the share option offer Trevia company specializing in special foundations and land consolidations, which is implementing a capital increase for a maximum amount of 25.1 million euros.
During the offer period, which began on 19 December 2022, following the exercise of 110,608,720 Option Rights, there were subscribed a total of 58,069,578 shares on offer, for a counter value total equal to 18,408,056.23 euros.
The company will offer 40,246,920 unexercised Option Rights (Unopted Rights) relating to the subscription of 21,129,633 shares on offer, for a total value of €6,698,093.66, on Euronext Milan in the sittings of 4 and 5 January 2023save
early closure of the offer in the event of full sale of the Unexercised Rights.
The purchased Unexercised Rights may be used to subscribe for the shares on offer, al price (unit) equal to 0.3170 euroof which 0.1585 to be allocated to share capital and 0.1585 to be allocated to share premium, in the ratio of 21 shares offered for every 40 Unexercised Rights held.