Trenitalia, 135 thousand euros to non-profit organizations with the CARTAFreccia loyalty program

Trenitalia new Frecciarossa connections to and from Fiumicino Airport are

(Finance) – The choice of rewards for Trenitalia’s CartaFRECCIA loyalty program ended a few weeks ago which, together with reward tickets and other gifts, did not spare the destination of the points accumulated with travel, including for charity. Customers have in fact decided to donate their points to initiatives from solidarity for a total value of about 135 thousand euros that will support some non-profit organizations engaged in non-profit activities.

More than half of the 135,000 euros raised was allocated to the organization Save the Childrenwhich for over 100 years has been fighting to save girls and boys at risk and guarantee them a future, e Italian Caritas committed to providing basic necessities to the Ukrainian people, particularly in the areas most affected by the war. An extraordinary result considering that the harvest for these two organisms has only started a few months ago.

supportive for Ukraine in addition to those initiated by the FS Italiane Group, such as the free train travel in the weeks following the start of the war, the delivery of goods and food and, last but not least, the movements of the Ukrainian People’s Choir for performances in Italy.

The remainder of the points transformed into donations went to the Civil Protection in support of the initiatives to combat Covid during the most intense period of the pandemic, atEuropean Brain Research Institute (EBRI), scientific research center on Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases founded in 2002 by the Nobel laureate Rita Levi-Montalcini, and art4sport, the ONLUS Association of the Paralympic champion Bebe Vio which provides sports aids and prostheses to young athletes with limb amputations to be able to practice sports.
