Tree planting day in Leersum for Lombok forest recovery: ‘It will already be green in the spring’

Tree planting day in Leersum for Lombok forest recovery It

Participants were instructed by a forest ranger and could then use a shovel to plant the trees. Anouk Haaxma and Gerrit Boonzaadjer, both project aldermen of ‘recovery of gust wind Leersum’ were also there this morning. Haaxma: “It was nice to see that not only people came from the area, but also from other villages. We spoke to a lady from Driebergen who often cycles there and also saw it as ‘her’ forest. She also came lend a hand.” Haaxma also saw three generations together. “Grandpa, grandma, the parents and children with a shovel. That indicates how important it is to people that there is something for the future, for the next generations. They will see it.”
