Treacherous flats increase the avalanche risk at Kebnekaise

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Many go to the Northern Lapland Mountains and the Kebnekaise area during March and April. Avalanche danger is affected by the weather, and avalanche expert Jenny Råghall emphasizes paying the most attention to the avalanche problems, not the avalanche scale, as they tell where in the terrain it is most dangerous.

Treacherous flak

In Kebnekaisefjällen, there are currently two out of six avalanche problems: drifting snow flakes and persistent flakes.

The latter means that there has been a thin snow cover for a long time, which means that the bottom of the snow cover becomes weak. When it then gets a harder and more compact sheet over it, it causes problems.

– They are the cleverest, the worst to keep track of and are difficult to relate to, says Jenny Råghall.

The situation right now

The avalanche expert takes the opportunity to give a tip to those planning to stay in the mountain world.

– Ride steeply, but not because it’s a sports holiday. Do it because the conditions allow it.

In the clip above, the avalanche expert talks about the situation on the mountain right now.
