Travel to UK: test negative and compelling reason, new restrictions

Travel to UK test negative and compelling reason new restrictions

Faced with the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, the French government has reinstated the compelling reasons obligation for travelers to and from the United Kingdom.

[Mis à jour le 20 décembre 2021 à 11h23] Bad news if you had planned a stay at UK in the next weeks. Gabriel Attal confirmed on BFMTV a strengthening of border controls with the United Kingdom, plagued by rapid growth of the Omicron variant. An antigen test or PCR of less than 24 hours has been required since December 18 from all travelers returning from the United Kingdom. These travelers will have to respect a compulsory isolation of 7 days on their arrival in France, from which they will be able to leave after 48 hours in the event of a negative test.

There is also “an obligation to have a compelling reason to travel to or come from the United Kingdom, for unvaccinated people like vaccinated people”, but these reasons “will not allow travel for tourist or professional reasons” , then specified the government in a press release. The authorities have also called on travelers to “postpone their trip” to the United Kingdom. For its part, the United Kingdom has accelerated its vaccine booster campaign and reintroduced the compulsory wearing of masks in transport and shops.

Before even talking about the restrictions linked to the pandemic, it should be noted that the principle of freedom of movement between France and the United Kingdom no longer exists since December 31, 2020, the date of the United Kingdom’s final exit from the United Kingdom. ‘European Union. However, tourist stays of less than 6 months remain visa-free.

Considered by France as an “orange” country, that is to say where the virus is actively circulating, but in controlled proportions and without the dissemination of worrying variants, the United Kingdom is therefore not one of the “red” countries. where it is strongly advised not to go at this time. On the other hand, France still advises non-vaccinated people to go to an “orange” country. Following the appearance of the Omicron variant, a mandatory PCR test and isolation to results is now mandatory to enter the UK.

No curfew has been in place in the UK since the start of the pandemic, even during periods of strict containment. Some restrictive measures specific to the night are however in force, such as the closing of nightclubs.

It is possible to travel within each of the four countries of the United Kingdom, although the authorities ask to limit travel as much as possible. These trips between countries are not counted as an international trip by UK authorities. After the 10-day quarantine carried out on arrival, you are no longer required to test yourself, isolate yourself or complete a tracking form, in the event of a change of country within the United Kingdom. Note that wearing a mask is compulsory in all public transport, but also in airports.

The mask must also be worn in all shops and supermarkets in England. Bars, restaurants, museums and cinemas are well open. Outside, gatherings of more than 30 people are prohibited, while it is possible to meet a maximum of 6 at someone’s house (or more if it is only people coming from 2 households).

The authorities carry out frequent checks to ensure both compliance with these measures and quarantine. In the event of infringements, dissuasive fines are provided for. Please note, all the measures indicated in this article may be subject to change and may also change somewhat according to the different countries forming the United Kingdom. Scotland, for example, has put in place some specific measures, including the closure at 10:30 p.m. of pubs, cafes and restaurants in the regions most affected by the epidemic (in particular Glasgow and Edinburgh), known as level 2 regions.

Air France, British Airways, Air Corsica, easyJet, Ryanair, Jet2 flights, Vueling Airlines, Flybe, Skytaxi. Despite the restrictive conditions surrounding travel between France and the United Kingdom, 9 airlines currently provide direct flights from France to various London airports (the main Heathrow, but also Gatwick or Stansted).

It is important to check before departure whether an airline asks its passengers to meet additional conditions to those of the authorities. Air France, for example, indicates when making reservations that it will refuse boarding to anyone not wearing a surgical mask. For its part, British Airways allows you to book your Covid tests before or after booking your flights.
