Travel bookings are increasing – despite extreme heat and deaths

In recent weeks, five tourists have died from the heat in Greece.
Despite the extreme heat, TV4 Nyheterna’s circular shows that travel bookings are increasing.
– It has a lot to do with the slightly unstable weather here at home, which drives a lot of desire to come abroad, says Claes Pellvik, communications manager at Ving.

Travel bookings have increased for the summer and there are few cancellations. This is shown by a round-up of the major travel companies that Ekonominyheterna has done. This despite the fact that there is a heat wave with temperatures of up to 40 degrees in several of the popular tourist destinations around the Mediterranean.

– It has a lot to do with the slightly unstable weather here at home, which drives a lot of desire to come abroad, says Claes Pellvik, communications manager at Ving.

Several deaths due to the heat wave

In just a couple of weeks, five tourists have died from the heat in Greece. One of the more high-profile deaths concerns diet guru and TV personality Michel Mosley, who is also believed to have been caused by the extreme heat.

The travel company Ving sends out warning SMS for the extreme heat to the affected guests, but the heat does not enable free cancellations.

– High temperatures are not a reason to cancel the trip. In the end, it is up to you to decide and think: “Is the Mediterranean Sea in the height of summer, where it is always hot, a suitable destination for me?” Or should I perhaps go a little later in the autumn?”, says Claes Pellvik.

Even Apollo states that the heat wave is not a valid reason to cancel free of charge.

“You can only chill in the shade”

One of those who will travel despite the heat is Victor Grahn, who is going on an all-inclusive holiday.

– It’s the vibe of going abroad and sitting there with a piña colada, you can just chill in the shade, he says.
