Trasporti, RFI: “Traffic still suspended on the Rome-Naples AV line”

Trasporti RFI Traffic still suspended on the Rome Naples AV line

(Finance) – “The circulation on the Rome-Naples AV remains suspended”. This is what it makes known RFI after that, around 2 pm, the Turin-Naples high-speed train stopped in the Serenissima tunnel “for the diversion of the tail locomotive, which has remained in a vertical position”. The train left Termini station at 13.59 and should have arrived in Naples at 15.03.

“The travelers – explains RFI in a note – were helped to get off and, with the help of the Fire Brigade and the company protection personnel of the Railways, were able to walk to the nearby station of Rome Palmiro Togliatti from where they continued their journey with the replacement vehicles made available by Trenitalia. No person on board reported any physical consequences from what happened “.

In detail the High-speed rail traffic continues with lengthening of travel times between 60 and 90 minutes as a consequence of the routing on the conventional lines: the trains stopping in Naples Afragola cover the Rome-Cassino and then return to high speed, while the others continue on the Rome-Formia line. Infrastructure recovery times will be communicated after RFI technicians have completed the reconnaissance of the line and the track is cleared from the train.
