Trasporti, Conftrasporto: ART contribution “inappropriate, must be drastically reduced”

Trasporti Conftrasporto ART contribution inappropriate must be drastically reduced

(Finance) – “The contribution that the Transport Authority asks from companies is totally inappropriate and burdensome”. Thus the president of Conftrasporto-Confcommercio Pasquale Russo on yesterday’s resolution with which the ART (Transport Regulatory Authority) gives instructions for the payment of the contribution for companies in the sector.

“The measure It arrives at a particularly critical moment for the entire Italian logistics system – explains Russo – Immediately after the pandemic, the war in Ukraine created enormous economic damage to our businesses, with unthinkable energy costs, which led to economic sacrifices and changes in company planning and budgeted investments. As if that weren’t enough, the crisis in the Middle East and the blockage of the Suez Canal are negatively impacting national traffic, with ports that risk remaining without traffic and the consequent paralysis of the entire transport chain”.

“We ask the Authority to contextualize the request taking into account of the current situation and to modify it by providing for a strong reduction in the contribution due, which would not affect the important work carried out by the ART, but it would allow companies to reduce costs at an objectively particular moment for the entire sector”, concludes the president of Conftrasporto.
