Transport with 100 pigs has overturned outside Kvänum

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At a quarter to seven on Friday morning, an alarm was received by SOS that a truck overturned near Kvänum, Vara municipality.

The truck transported pigs and according to the rescue service, it is a large number of animals.

– There should be around 100 pigs in the trailer, says Ulf Seglert, duty officer at Östra Skaraborg’s rescue service.

A rescue unit is already on site at the accident site, another and police are on their way.

Unknown damage condition

The pigs are in a trailer on the truck and are scheduled to be moved to the tow truck, which is empty. The trailer on the side has not yet been opened.

– We still do not know what it is like with the pigs, says Ulf Seglert.

According to the SOS alarm, the driver must be unharmed.
