Transport, Giovannini: investing in electricity and charging networks

Transport Giovannini investing in electricity and charging networks

(Finance) – “The goal is to accelerate the ecological transition, drastically reducing polluting and climate-altering emissions in transport over the next eight years. For the country it is a great challenge towards a sustainable development model and for companies a great opportunity for innovation and business “. This was stated by the Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility Enrico Giovannini submitting the Report Transport decarbonisation – Scientific evidence and policy proposals, elaborated by the experts of the Ecological Transition Structure of Mobility and Infrastructures (Stemi) of Mims.

“From the point of view of infrastructural interventions, given the current technological conditions and without prejudice to the need to continue experimenting with alternative solutions to fossil fuels, it is essential to invest in electricity generation systems from renewable sources and strengthen the recharging network “said the minister, recalling that” many of the MIMS interventions, included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, or financed with the latest budget law, go in the direction indicated from the Report, but further investments will be needed by the public and private sectors to achieve the European objectives “.

Following the increase in fuel prices and the end of the pandemic emergency there was un “a particularly strong rebound in the use of local public transport, which took operators by surprise”, Giovannini said at the Electric Days at the Maxxi in Rome.

Chapter PNRR: “Today’s difficulties must not slow down its implementation. If we had already made the investments we would have more renewables, less dependence on gas,” new infrastructures and greener means of transport that would make us stronger with respect to external shocks “.
