What would be a summer with sun, swimming and night work as a nurse in elderly care, has instead been 2-3 months of rest and sick leave for Andi Malm, whose arm is broken in two places. It was last Saturday that he would go to the men’s toilet at the nightclub Babel in Malmö, but there were no booths with doors that could be closed, so Andi – who is a born woman – chose instead to go to the club’s women’s toilet. Struck with fists and elbows Just when he was done, the door was torn open by a security guard who shouted that he should come out and talk. Andi said he was transgender and had the right to stay there – but then the guards called for reinforcements. – They bent up my arms and then he started hitting me, first with an open palm and then with elbows and fist blows, says Andi. The police have initiated a preliminary investigation with the criminal classification of aggravated assault and unlawful discrimination. Babel’s owner does not want to appear in an interview in front of the camera, but writes in a message that they have a common entrance to all toilets and that they have contacted Andi Malm for a dialogue. In the player above: Andi tells more about the event.
Trans person Andi went to the “wrong” toilet: “Then he started beating me”