Tram hero Rinke Terpstra receives posthumous Medal of Honor: ‘An example of sacrifice, courage and loyalty’

Rinke Terpstras relatives hold Qbuzz and the province of Utrecht

The ‘Eerepenning voor Humanclilevend Hulpbetoon’ was instituted in 1822 by King Willem I. The award is given to ‘those who have performed a charitable act that bears the hallmarks of courage, prudence and self-sacrifice’.

The medal is mainly awarded to people who save others. Initially, these were mainly rescues at sea. Since the emergence of rail and road transport, the award has also been awarded after rescue operations in the event of accidents involving trains, trams and cars. The medal is also awarded for heroic deeds during robberies or assaults.

The medal has three categories: gold, silver and bronze. Terpstra therefore gets the silver.
