Training match suspended – ‘excessive physical play’

On Monday, the Swedish women’s national team plays its last training match – against the Philippines – before the World Cup premiere on Thursday against South Africa.

The match against the Philippines is played three times 30 minutes and behind closed doors.

During Friday, the WC teams Colombia and Ireland also played again in Brisbane, but the match had to be stopped after only 20 minutes. The Irish midfielder Denise O’Sullivan had then gone to hospital after an injury. The Irish Football Association accused Colombia of “excessive physical play”, reports SVT.

— I have never heard anything like it. I have no idea what it looked like in duels or what it was like, but I guess it was really tough for it to be broken so quickly, says Linda Sembrant.

— That this decision was made is probably not too easy, both teams and also the referee probably want to play on and complete the match.
