Training in agri-food and living companies: what are the best training courses?

Training in agri food and living companies what are the best

Climate change, global epidemics and war have highlighted the agri-food industry and the living companies, and the need to innovate and evolve constantly. Food sovereignty, sustainable and reasoned agriculture, ecological transition, innovations are today at the heart of the concerns of many companies. To meet these multiple challenges, students must now master all business aspects, from management to technical skills.

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Halfway between industry and agriculture, agri-food is a constantly evolving business sector with multiple challenges. According to the Panorama 2022 of the agri-food industriesthe French agri-food industry represents the second European market in terms of turnover behind Germany, ie 197.5 billion euros.

The Covid-19 crisis, global warming and now the war in Ukraine show the challenges and difficulties of this sector of activity. Between food shortages, climate damage and stopping imports/exports, it is necessary to restore a certain food sovereignty and innovate to offer other food solutions that are both healthier and more sustainable.

Living enterprises: what is it?

Agriculture, fishing, agri-food, landscape and forest professions, there are many living professions. If we add to that biotechnologies, bio-cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, we arrive at a widened sector of activity in perpetual renewal and in constant evolution, generating innovative and meaningful professions. Training in living professions means being an actor in the agro-ecological transition of industries in the sector, in order to offer a more sustainable model, more respectful of the environment and animal well-being, to ensure healthier food, while being economically viable. For this, many training courses are offered to students in order to train them in new managerial methods or new business models.

What training should be taken to succeed in the agri-food and living industry sector?

A rapidly changing sector, the agri-food industry needs graduates capable of having a 360° vision of a project, with profiles mastering both the technical and managerial aspects. And the sector offers many training courses such as masters, specialized masters or even MBAs. Thanks to these diplomas, students will be able to occupy a position of product manager, project manager, consultant, quality manager, QHSE manager or even innovation and R&D manager upon graduation.

Classified and recognized diplomas

According to the 2022 Eduniversal rankingwhich ranks the best masters, MS and MBAs in all sectors, here are the 10 best diplomas, in France, in the Management of the food industry category.

1. Specialized Master in Management of Living & Agrofood Companies, emlyon business school / Institut Agro Montpellier

2. Masternova – Specialized Master in Management of Innovation in Agro-activities and Bio-industries, NEOMA Business School / AgroParisTech

3. MSc Food and Agribusiness Management (FAM), Audencia

4. MS Marketing, communication and engineering of agro-food products, EM Normandie / UniLaSalle

5. Master’s in Business Management and Entrepreneurship, agricultural and agri-food sectors, IHEDREA

6. Professional Master’s in International Agricultural and Agrifood Affairs, IHEDREA

7. Food Business Manager Title RNCP Level 7 Bac+5, ISEMA

8. Master GPLA, Management of Food and Process Companies, IGR-IAE Rennes

9. Agrifood Project Manager (RNCP Level I Title), IFRIA

10. Master 2 – Food science and business management (SAME), Institut Agro Rennes-Angers

Focus on the Specialized Master in Management of Living and Agrifood Companies

Provided by the emlyon business school, in partnership with the Institut Agro Montpellier and Vetagro Sup Lyon, the specialized master’s degree in management of living and agri-food companies (Maeva) aims to train expert specialists in strategic sectors. Accessible on file and online tests, the MS Maeva is intended for bac+5, and provides intensive training in management of the food and living industries. This training is open to agricultural engineers, pharmacists, academics in biology, chemistry or health, but also to business school graduates, management university graduates or even IEPs.

Two paths are available to students, who will make their choice during the second semester. A Marketing course and a Finance/Management Control course.

Throughout the year, students are required to carry out numerous group assignments, in particular with the Transforming early makerswhich consists of a collaborative educational challenge aimed at deconstructing existing economic models.

Of the 13 months of training in the Specialized Masters in Management of living and agri-food companies, six months are devoted to professional assignments. The master also offers its students an international seminar at the end of the first semester as well as an optional semester abroad.

Article produced in partnership with emlyon business school

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