Trainers wanted to collect everything in Pokémon GO

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Many trainers set their own personal goals in Pokémon GO that they want to achieve. One of those goals is a complete Living Dex. But this dream of the trainers is now threatening to burst. We at MeinMMO have looked at what this is all about.

What dream is it about? Ash already had the big goal in the anime to catch all Pokémon. And many trainers in Pokémon GO want to make this dream come true. But some of them even go a step further. Registration in the Pokédex alone is not enough for them, which is why they are working towards a so-called complete “Living-Dex”.

In doing so, they collect each individual development stage of the various monsters in their Pokémon storage. But the respective special specimens, such as costumed Pokémon or Cryptos, should often not be missing in the collection. Now a trainer wants to give up this long-awaited dream of a complete Living-Dex and explains why in an emotional statement.

Coach explains: ‘It’s just too much’

What was his goal? Like a multitude of trainers, reddit user thefierybreeze was also working towards a full living dex. But now he wants to let this dream burst, as he reveals in his reddit post. In an emotional post, he shares his thoughts and feelings with the community (via

As thefierybreeze explains, he’s always wanted a complete Living Dex, so he’s collected all forms, evolutions, and genders of each Pokémon in the past.

Eventually Cryptos and redeemed monsters joined his collection, as well as lucky Pokémon as strong candidates for the GO Battle League, high IV monsters, and of course costumed specimens. So, over time, quite a bit accumulated in his Pokémon storage.

Why does he want to give up the Living Dex? A new update gave him the reason for the possible abandonment of his dream. With the introduction of the different sizes and weights of the monsters, he suddenly realized that it had just become too much over time and that’s why he’s considering drawing a line under it. This is how he writes:

It’s just too much to manage, my stash is full of trash monsters just for clinging to having any of the 12 different bulbasaur no one is ever going to look at that. And now they have introduced the weight and size differences. It really feels like they’ve made the camel’s back here. Everything is already documented in the Pokedex, why should I still hoard it all? It’s time to kick the bucket and only collect 92% IVs and Shinys aside from the valuable ones for trading, raiding, and fighting.

thefierybreeze (via

Following his explanation, he seeks support from the community and asks if other trainers have had a similar experience and how they have dealt with it.

By the way, the trainer ZhessZhess reached an insane milestone last year with a living Lucky Dex. You can find out how he achieved his goal in the following article:

Pokémon GO: Trainer reaches crazy milestone, had to trade over 1,000 hours for it

Players advise: “Do what is best for your health”

Feedback from the community: Thefierybreeze’s contribution caused some reactions in the community. Many can understand that he no longer wants to hold on to his dream. So you can read the following in the comments (via

  • OpaFuchsi: “Honestly, do what is best for your mental health. That’s all that counts. If you’re stressed about having to keep up with a live Dex: end it. If you are through GBL [GO-Kampfliga] or other parts of this game are stressed: stop playing it, quit it, ignore it. We’re talking about a game played by people inside the Pokemon bubble. Nobody – and I mean nobody – cares what a person has in their dex or memory.”
  • IntroductionDry767: “I have several dexes, but I can’t help but agree 100%. Do this for yourself and your own fulfillment. Anything beyond that is a drain on your mental energy. If it’s too much, it’s no fun.”
  • Deed3: “I can confirm that nobody has ever asked me for my stats, and I’ve been to in-person events like GO Fest. Nobody really cares except you.”
  • inquisitive_chemist: “So well said. I used to invest a lot of time hunting for shinys. But it just got stressful […] I’m playing very casually now and enjoying the game a lot more.”
  • Alternative suggestions: Other trainers are trying to persuade thefierybreeze not to give up his Living-Dex dream so easily. Some reddit users report that they simply transfer their monsters to Pokémon Home and continue a Living Dex there.

    So does user Zelfild, who writes the following (via “The only place where a Living Dex matters to me is Pokemon Home, where I keep most of my prized GO catches that I otherwise would not use or throw away. […] I can’t imagine what a logistical nightmare it is to run a Living Dex in GO. You have my respect.”

    Whether thefierybreeze actually gave up his Living Dex or followed the advice of some trainers and sent his monsters to Pokémon Home is not clear from the article.

    Here we explain how you can send monsters to Pokémon Home.

    What goals have you set for yourself in Pokémon GO? Are you also working on a full Living Dex? Or is that just too stressful for you and is that why you only keep the most important monsters? Let us know here in the comments on MeinMMO and exchange ideas with other trainers on this topic.

    Thefierybreeze’s Living-Dex isn’t the only thing being discussed in the reddit community right now. A trainer shows a special collection of four that makes the community jealous.
