In Pokémon GO, the disappearance of a character is currently causing a lot of discussion, even though most have ignored it in recent years. We at MeinMMO will show you who it is about and what theories the trainers have about it.
Which character is it about? In addition to the numerous Pokémon and the different avatars, one character in particular plays an important role in Pokémon GO: Professor Willow. He has been accompanying you through the game for almost 8 years now and leads long monologues to introduce you to the special research.
But now there are question marks among many trainers in the Reddit community because the actually popular character has simply disappeared and without a single word. No information about where he went, when he will return and whether he is even still our companion.
Instead, shortly before the end of the current season World Full of Wonders, a kind of AI module ensures that new research is unlocked – without any comment, of course. Below we’ll show you what exactly happened in the game and what theories the coaches now have about it.
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Professor Willow disappears without a word
Why is Professor Willow gone? Many players will have been surprised on May 14, 2024 when they accessed the new Masterpiece Research in Pokémon GO. Instead of the usual lengthy monologue from the professor about the upcoming research, there was only an animation with a new module.
Without any further explanation, the new research opened up and we were good to go. There was no trace of the professor anywhere. Willow’s texts could be useful in the past and provide initial indications of new content.
It is currently not known what reasons there are for his absence. Niantic has not yet commented on his disappearance. And its digital successor has not yet been presented in more detail. However, the new research module caused astonishment among the first players back in March.
How do the coaches like the change? In the Reddit community, opinions about the new research module and the missing professor are mixed. Some people think the innovation is great because they tended to skip the texts in the past anyway. This is what the user atubslife writes on Reddit: A nice update for the quality of life. Clicking through useless animations and menus is one of the many frustrating things about this game.
But even though most players have ignored the professor in recent years, he is still an integral part of the game and is therefore missed by some coaches. Here’s how NorthSouthGabi189 explains in the Reddit comments: Am I the only one disappointed by this? I actually like Willow, I feel comfortable with him.
Trainers believe: He has been replaced by an AI chip
Trainers’ theories: The uncertainty about the professor’s whereabouts is also causing a lot of discussion and a wide variety of theories in the Reddit community. While some players believe that skipping the long-winded monologues could be a reason for his disappearance, others believe that his absence is short-lived.
But taking over by an AI is also conceivable for some. You can read the following more or less serious theories in the Reddit comments:
Is Professor Willow coming back? It is not yet entirely certain whether Professor Willow will come back into the game. But it would be possible in principle, because in the past other characters, such as Rhi, Mateo or even Team GO Rocket, have also accompanied the research tasks at times. At one point he was even kidnapped into another dimension. However, Professor Willow always returns after a short time.
And even in old research that hasn’t been fully solved yet, he still appears in the cutscenes with trainers. So whether he comes back remains to be seen for now. If there is any new information about this, you can find out from us on MeinMMO.
What is your opinion on the professor’s disappearance? Are you happy that there are no more annoying texts? Or will you miss the professor? Please let us know in the comments here on MeinMMO and exchange ideas with other trainers. By the way: Pokémon GO brings a new super monster: This is how violent Necrozma becomes through fusion.