In Pokémon GO, most trainers are particularly interested in the legendary monsters. But a player now shows a big mistake that many make when catching these specimens and that costs you valuable items. We at MeinMMO show you what it’s all about.
What Pokemon is it about? In addition to the “normal” Pokémon, which roam the wilderness diligently and can be caught by you there, you have the opportunity in level 5 raids to compete against the coveted legendary Pokémon and catch them after a successful fight.
Here you can encounter monsters like Mewtwo, Kyogre or Groudon, all of which are among the best attackers in Pokémon GO.
For this reason, most trainers try to secure a strong specimen. But they also like the Shinys. But especially when catching these, many players make a big mistake, as a trainer in the Reddit community shows. We’ll show you what it is and why it’s worth doing things differently in the future.
Trainer warns against giving golden raspberries
What error is it? If you have won the raid and now have the chance to catch your legendary Pokémon, then most of them want to get it at any price. For this reason, the majority of players rely on golden raspberries when catching, because these ensure that even stubborn specimens stay on the ball better. After all, the balls are limited after the raid.
But these berries shouldn’t always be your first choice, as Reddit user Raspberryweiner’s post shows. In this he wants to warn other coaches about a big mistake. So he writes (via “Don’t make this beginner’s mistake”.
Below is an image of a dazzling Mewtwo being fed a golden raspberry. Above it is the following inscription (via “Somewhere in the world someone is giving away a golden raspberry to a dazzling raid boss”.
That’s why you should rather use another berry
Why is this an error? Even if it seems logical to many trainers at first glance to feed a golden raspberry to a strong legendary Pokémon, this is not necessary with a shiny. In most cases, the dazzling specimen stays in the ball right after the first throw, which is why this is a good opportunity to improve your candy household.
For this reason, you should rather rely on pineapple berries. These double the amount of candies in this catch. If you still have concerns that the monster will jump out of the ball again, you can alternatively bet on silver pineapple berries. These also double the candies, but keep monsters better in the ball.
In addition, unlike other Pokémon, legendary monsters can usually only be found in level 5 raids or from rank 20 as a reward in the GO Battle League.
So if you want to level up a strong specimen, you have to collect a lot of candies and thus either complete some raids, take the Pokémon for a walk or use special candies. So it’s worth using this opportunity to get extra sweets.
We have summarized a selection of the strongest attackers in the following video:
Pokémon GO: The strongest attackers of all types in the video
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Are Legendary Shinys Guaranteed? For years, the trainers have assumed that the legendary Shinys are guaranteed catches after a raid. So you can’t escape. However, there are also reports from players who are said to have escaped such a shiny. The community suspects a GPS drift here.
Gimetulkathmir also writes (via “I wonder if this is new. None of my Legendary Shinys were caught on first ball and I had a Shiny Entei that escaped.”
To clarify this question, we asked Niantic for a statement. However, we have not received any feedback on this at this time. As soon as we have them, we will add them to this article.
How do the coaches react to this hint?
Many players are happy about the tip: Raspberryweiner received a lot of encouragement from the community for this tip. So far, his post has more than 3,600 upvotes and over 280 comments (as of 4/24/23 1:20 p.m.).
The comments make it clear that many of the errors were not even aware, because they did not know that legendary shinys cannot escape from the raid so easily and they are grateful to him for the information. The user footballheir therefore writes (via “I didn’t know that and now I’m glad I know.”
But even the long-time players admit in the comments that they often do it wrong out of habit. Often they only have the shiny in mind and want to get it as soon as possible.
Resident-Scallion949 writes (via “It even happens to non-newbies. You lose your mind when you see those sparks.”
Uncertainty among some coaches: However, other players do not trust that the Shinys really have a guaranteed or at least higher chance of catching and for this reason prefer to continue to rely on golden raspberries when catching (via
Do you always use golden raspberries when catching legendary shiny raid bosses? Has one of these monsters escaped you? Or do you want the additional candies and therefore rely on pineapple berries? Let us know here on MeinMMO in the comments and talk to other trainers about this topic.
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