A train fully loaded with Swedish ore has derailed at the station in Narvik in northern Norway. The train has ten to twelve carriages and each carriage is loaded with around 100 tonnes of iron ore. The derailment occurred on the Ofot Railway – which is the part of the Malm Railway that runs in Norway – at 3.20pm on Sunday. No one was injured, but the tracks were probably damaged. There is a stop to train traffic at the site and there is no forecast on how long it will take to fix. It is also unclear what caused the derailment and how many wagons have derailed, according to LKAB. The ore railway is used by LKAB to transport ore from Kiruna to the ports of Luleå and Narvik. LKAB suffered a very extensive derailment on the track outside Gällivare in November 2021. Cracking caused 38 carriages to go off the rails, which resulted in a week-long interruption of the route and multimillion-dollar costs. In the player above: Harry Korslund, press spokesperson at the state-owned Norwegian railway company Bane Nor, about the accident.
Train with several hundred tons of Swedish ore derailed in Norway