Train stroll in Älvsbyn – travelers were stuck on night train for eight hours

The stop was caused by an electrical error.

– It is very sin that it was not resolved in so many hours, says Anders Edgren.

The train would have passed Älvsbyn at 22.46 on Saturday night and arrive in Stockholm on Sunday morning. At 08.15, the train rolled on from Älvsbyn on the way south.

Further trains stand still

At the same time, two hours of train 94 is on the road north still at the station in Älvsbyn.

– There we will put in replacement traffic if it takes more time.

According to Anders Edgren, compensation traffic was not inserted for train 93 that the train was not at a platform.

– Then we would have had to evacuate and I do not know if it is so easy to get hold of replacement traffic in the middle of the night either.
