Train drivers threaten to strike – chaos in commuter train traffic is expected

Train drivers threaten to strike chaos in commuter train

Published: Less than 10 min ago

The conflict between the train attendants and MTR has escalated.

Now the staff are threatening to go on strike.

– We are aware of this, says Matilda Hjalte at MTR’s press service to Aftonbladet.

The background is a dismantling of the train attendants, which means solitary work for the train drivers on the commuter trains in Stockholm.

Right now, negotiations are underway on a new collective agreement for rail transport, and the trade union Seko is demanding a ban on lone working on trains.

Despite that, train drivers are threatening to go on strike for three days starting at 03:00 on Monday.

The demand: “Train host back in the cab and in security!”

On Facebook, the train drivers themselves write that they protested for two years without being listened to by MTR, the regional politicians and the Sekoförbundet.

full screen Now the train staff are threatening to go on strike. Photo: Tomas Oneborg/SvD/TT

“Will be a challenge”

They believe that the removal of the train attendants dismantles safety and that the only way to get full staffing is with full train attendant staffing.

SL has been reached by the information.

– If the information that there will be an action on Monday is correct, it goes without saying that it will affect SL’s passengers, says Andreas Strömberg, press manager at SL and continues:

– If the traffic does not run, it will be a challenge for commuter train passengers.

The text is updated.
