![Tillsonburg MSC Trail Walk and Run 2023](https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/nexus/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/tn-0615-tn-msc3.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=288&h=216&sig=nxcym9V5x1u_1KrN8gBiNg)
Tillsonburg Multi-Service Center’s annual Trail Walk and Run on Sunday surpassed its fundraising goal of $8,000.
About 120 people participated this year, walking or running 2.5-km or 5-km routes around Lake Lisgar, nearly double last year’s number.
“We’re really pleased with the community support of this event,” said Kathryn Leatherland, MSC Executive Director, who
thanked all of the participants, everyone who made a donation, and the numerous volunteers and event sponsors. “Thanks so much for coming out and helping us make a stronger community.”
The $12,230 raised on Sunday, with more pledges expected to come in, will help support program enhancements such as MSC volunteer recruitment, training for Meals on Wheels and Literacy Tutor program volunteers, purchasing new literacy materials and technology, and helping to cover shortfalls in transportation and meal expenses for seniors.
“Not only did we have a big increase in the number of participants today, we also had a high number of sponsors come forward as well. Between both those, we have hit our target and we are grateful for that.”
![Tillsonburg MSC Trail Walk and Run 2023](https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/nexus/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/tn-0615-tn-msc.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=288&sig=gPvf948as1TermLJ96KTGA)
Several families had multiple generations. Kids were having a blast on the bouncy castle and the Freezies were a hit.
“As soon as the Freezies came out there was a herd of children,” Leatherland laughed. “Every child is getting a medal, a certificate and a Freezie, in addition to the barbecue.”
More runners joined the event this year, she said, and more dogs.
![Tillsonburg MSC Trail Walk and Run 2023](https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/nexus/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/tn-0615-tn-msc2.jpg?quality=90&strip=all&w=288&sig=NuXPBx9AgQm4iTVaVTPvKw)
“We had quite a few runners this year. Some local informal running groups came out to support us and it’s nice to see them running in groups and supporting and cheering each other. We also encouraged people to bring their pets – their dogs – this year and they (dogs) are receiving prize bags as well.”
Tillsonburg Mayor Deb Gilvesy also thanked the participants and sponsors.
“In the spring I had the opportunity to deliver some meals for local residents,” said Gilvesy speaking before the event. “Seeing the smiles on their faces was a telling tale that this is a program that is both appreciated and also a key ingredient of what makes the community a caring and beautiful place to live.”
As the community continues to grow and diversify, Gilvesy said the need for the literacy tutor program is becoming more evident.
“Literacy in the English language paves a path to employment, wellbeing and belonging in our community.”
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