Traffic stop leads Chatham-Kent police to Tilbury woman accused of fraud

Police investigate Wallaceburg break in

A traffic stop led to a 36-year-old Tilbury woman being arrested for several charges, including fraud.

A traffic stop led to a 36-year-old Tilbury woman being arrested for several charges, including fraud.

Chatham-Kent police said the woman was pulled over on Middle Line in Tilbury East Township just after 9:30 am Wednesday.

Police said investigation revealed the woman was wanted on several outstanding warrants related to a fraud investigation.

She was arrested, transported to police headquarters, and charged with two counts of possession of stolen property, two counts of forgery, three counts of uttering forged documents, personation with intent – ​​identity fraud – and failing to attend court.

The accused was held in custody pending a bailing, police said.

Blenheim man charged with impaired

A 21-year-old Blenheim man is accused of impaired driving after Chatham-Kent police responded to a traffic complaint on William Street in Merlin just after 3 pm Wednesday.

Police said the vehicle being driven by the accused was located on Middle Line between Dillon Road and Four Rod Road in Raleigh Township.

Through investigation, the officer believed the man was operating the vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, police said.

The accused was arrested and transported to police headquarters for further breath tests. He was charged with having a blood-alcohol level exceeding the legal limit and driving with a suspended licence, police said.

The accused was released with a Feb. 6 short date.

Outstanding warrants

Responding to other calls Wednesday led Chatham-Kent police to two men wanted for other alleged offences.

Police were called to Blake Street in Wallaceburg at 12:41 pm to investigate suspicious activity.

When police located a 32-year-old Wallaceburg man it was learned he was wanted on a warrant for failing to comply with his probation order.

The accused was charged with two counts of failing to comply with a probation order and released with a future court date.

Just over an hour later, police responded to a theft at the Chatham Walmart store.

A 40-year-old Walpole Island man was located who police learned was wanted on a warrant related to another investigation, police said.

The accused was charged with theft and possession of stolen property and later released with conditions and a Feb. 6 short date, police said.


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